We believe that web content should be accessible to everyone. Dyslexia or visual impairment should not stand in the way consuming web content. Our products allow web content, e-books, pdfs and more to be read aloud to you.
Our recommendations to you
Check out our integration optionsText to speech is a great deal when it comes to web content accessibility. Many countries has legal requirements that states that web content should be accessible to everyone.
Integrating with Talkify will help you succeed meeting the WCAG.
The Web Accessibility initiative has a great video about WCAG and TTS here.
Our recommendations to you
Try Web reader Try E-book readerMany people use our products as a help when reading content on the web. If you have vision impairment, dyslexia or just difficulty reading then try it our for yourself.
Our recommendations to you
Check out our integration optionsIf you are an app owner, especially web apps, then you are in luck. We have easy to use APIs and JS-libraries at your fingertips.
Our recommendations to you
Try Web readerProofread your paper or learn a second language. Our Web reader is the perfect choice for you.
Our recommendations to you
Use Web reader in class Check out our integration optionsSchools and universities already use Talkify in their language education. Just direct students to our free to use Web reader or use our integration options to tailor the experience.
Building Text To Speech software from scratch is tedious and expensive work. There are plenty of vendors supplying TTS voices, all with different requirements. Adding a UI to the solution is in itself another expensive project.
We at Talkify solves this for you. We have done all this. For you. At a much smaller cost.
We integrate with the world top suppliers of TTS-voices and merge them into one API. Here you have access to all the voices - collected under one umbrella.
We have build an advanced JavaScript library that integrates perfectly with our API. All the voices collected in one place for your Web Application.
The library can also use built-in browser voices, some that even works offline.
We know that not every Website owner can integrate JavaScrip libraries. Our WordPress plugin leverages our JavaScript library and brings an easy to use WordPress component to all WordPress app owners, no matter the techincal background.
Install our WordPress pluginWe host SAPI 5 voices on our own
GCloud Text To Speech Integration
Amazon Polly is a great TTS service and is heavily used at Talkify
Our newest integration
Add Talkify Web Reader to your web application or tailor your own custom integration using our TTS-API
Listen and browse your e-books using our elegant e-book reader
Our popular Web reader. Access it for free or use our Premium services to unlimited access to all voices